Refund Policy

On Purchase - We have a return policy of ten days for the customers from India. And for International customers it's fifteen days. The countdown of the days will begin once the Carpet has been delivered to you (including the delivery day).

If you want to return a product, please return it back to our address 'Abhivya, 684 Musaffarganj, Mirzapur - 231001 (Uttar Pradesh) India' Cell- +91-8318352207

The product will be returned back to us on your own expense. Once we'll receive the product, we'll inspect the product, and after the inspection when the product is found to be intact, the refund will be then initiated. The amount will be deposited back to your account in 3-4 business days. If in any case the product is torn, withered or damaged, the repairing amount will be deducted from the paid amount and then the remaining amount will be refunded back to you.


For Custom Order -  Once the order will be confirmed on this website, you'll receive an email which will give the details of time of production, total cost, etc. and once the order has been confirmed, the process of custom order will be initiated. Once the process has begun (of map making, dyeing, etc.) the order cannot be cancelled and the final product will be delivered to you.